Friday, December 13, 2013

Football Fans!

Since moving back to Utah and being on my own again I am realizing that my inner sports fan, who has been dormant for so many years has emerged again and LOVES going to the games that are all around us.
September and October were super fun football months for us. 
The kids surprised me and really got into the Spirit of things. 
In our neighborhood we have a mix of BYU fans and U of U fans and lots of rivalry that goes a long with that.  Everyone hangs their flags and pranks are done.
In fact our ward had a breakfast the morning of the BYU vs. U of U game. 
They told everyone to wear their shirts for the team they cheer for 
then they made red pancakes and blue pancakes.

Later that night the kids invited some friends over to have a tailgate party. 
I forgot to remind them to invite BYU friends.  All their friends were Ute fans, and  as is true to form they were in our face about who they cheered for. 
Next time we're not inviting them..
Marianne and I got to have a daddy/daughter date with our dad at another football game. 
It was the first cold night in Utah and we were prepared with our hats.
But, some people didn't like the hats they were given, hence the silly smile from the guy in the middle.

The kids and I LOVED going to a football game all together.  They are realizing that they're kind of sports freaks, although I'm not sure if they're freaks about the game or freaks about the boys playing the game.
Had SO much fun!
Loved sitting so close to the mountains and enjoying the Fall colors.
Emmy spent most of the game reading as usual. 
Of course she was reading the program and learning all about the game and the guys playing. 
She says she gets bored if she's not reading.

Love these cougar FANS!!!

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