Friday, December 13, 2013

Fall Fishing

On a crisp Fall Saturday in October we got invited to go fishing with our cousins. 
They had just recently gone and caught some gigantic fish in this pond in Payson. 
 We were so excited to do the same!
The kids quickly attracted ALL the ducks in the whole state of Utah, which made it impossible to cast our fishing pole out.  So, the kids took the ducks to the other end of the lake and realized these ducks had no fear of them.  They started attacking our little precious babies.  Seriously. 
Tyce, the master fisherman and hunter got everyone going with his magic fishing marshmallows and other tricks. Then we waited.
And waited...
And waited...
And some pretended to catch fish with the Barbie fishing pole...
Then most lost interest and went exploring...
And some wanted to take pictures of their mom...
And the babies wanted to be done. 
So we were.
But, even though we didn't catch a thing, we had lots of fun!  We were out in nature.  We enjoyed the beautiful mountains capped with snow.  The colors were delicious!  The cousins were free to run and throw rocks in the water. 
Really, that's all way better than catching a fish!

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