Sunday, July 3, 2011

Zucchini vs. Coffee

Jeff and I always joke when we go to church on Sundays that we need to keep our car locked up. 
Why you might ask?
Because all the Mormons will fill your car with zucchini
(just a little joke I once heard in Utah).
Well, now we have an even more serious reason to lock up on Sundays...
our houses, doors, windows.
Because if you don't then someone will leave their coffee cup on your kitchen counter.
I am not kidding.
There has been a string of neighborhood robberies.  
Neighbors down the street even had intruders in their backyard. 
So, why would someone walk into our house on a Sunday afternoon when we're at church,
not take anything
and leave their tall, recently emptied coffee cup?
After we freaked out
and scoured the closets
and checked behind the doors
we threw the cup away.
Should we have called the police to collect fingerprints?
I don't know.
But I do know that I didn't feel very comfortable in our house the next week when Jeff went out of town.  Our house became very hot as I kept all the doors and windows shut tight.
Leaving a coffee cup behind is kind of a funny thing in Washington. 
We are known for a Starbucks on every corner.  
Coffee is the trademark to brighten spirits on the gloomy days. 
But, don't come wandering in my house leaving your Starbucks cup behind! 
We don't drink coffee.
I'd rather have your zucchini.

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