Friday, June 10, 2011


Once again we got invited to the fancy fundraiser for "Mama's Hands" a women's shelter that is run by a couple in our ward. 
We had a blast year biding and winning a couple of great things.
Even though we knew it was for a good cause we needed to save our money for other things.   We had to restrain ourselves when we had some offers to sit at tables with friends.
We threw away the ticket forms as soon as we got them so we wouldn't be tempted.
Sometimes, when you can't afford something, you have to make sacrifices and be responsibile, no matter how badly you want the item.
(I hate being responsible.)
However, 2 days before the event we got the big invitiation...
We got offered 2 free tickets to sit at our friend's table.
How can you say no to something FREE?
So, off we went to the Mama's Hands dinner/auction formal affair.

Thanks to our specialist friends Stella and Parker Jones.   
We had a blast with them.  (and we didn't spend a penny.)
The Jones' are family.
Stella and I joke that we are sister-wives but in a sense we really are.  We help raise each other's children.  She is the "other mother."  Both of our husbands travel and we help each other out so much. 
There is no checking our watches when we are helping. 
There is no tally marks of who watched who's kids last. 
There is no guilt.
It's a beautiful thing we have going.
And besides that Stella is a wonderful friend.

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