Sunday, July 3, 2011

5th Grade Camp

I was the lucky mom this year to be a chaperon at 5th grade camp with Adyson!
Camp Warm Beach... wasn't so warm but it was beautiful and
SO much fun!
I had no idea it would be so fun!
Those campers sure had it way easier at their camp than I did at my 5th grade camp.
They didn't have to ruff it at all.
They had miniature golfing and swimming.
(notice Ady and her 2 friends with yellow duct tape around their leg.  That was the first way our group showed our unity. 
I chose our color to be yellow for Happy and Friendly and we sure were.)
 My special friend, Stella was a chaperon with me. (J.P.s mom) 
 Our group... the CROWS.
We decorated our door with smiley faces and other yellow happy and friendly stuff.
At our meeting place.

At the climbing wall.

Ms. Trudeau loved to pick up Ady and do curls.
or throw her over her shoulder like a sack a' tadies.
The beautiful scenery at the canoe docks.
Ady with her group boarding the canoe.

Me and Ads in our twinsie t-shirts.  I loved being with her!
Ms. Trudeau's class.
Our skit.  I'm pretty sure ours was the best.
At the dining hall. 
I loved that the girls wanted to squish all 12 of us around the table to eat together. 
Doing the pioneer activities.  Because of the awesome dad chaperons in our group and some talented kids our group won the challenge!
Ady working on creating a tripod stool.  It looks like a cobweb of string but it held Ady for the required 30 seconds.
Our Shelter.
Braids and curly ribbon marked our 2nd day of demonstrating unity.
Ms. Trudeau's class after an environmental class.
The group doing our cheer before we could eat.
The beautiful sunset at our evening fire.

The girl's favorite game was playing "Bum Charades."

Day 3 unity... flower clips.

At our last meal they handed out awards. 
Guess what?
Our team, the CROWS, we won overall!!!
That means we had the cleanest cabin, we were in bed on time and to activities on time, we did awesome on the games and hikes and scavenger hunts and compass relay and team spirit and we showed kindness and happiness. 
It was an overall GREAT time!
I think I might go again.

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