Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The End is Here

I had mixed feelings about school ending this year. 
I got all sentimental with the teachers and with the endings of some significant landmarks in our lives.

Kaden finished up preschool at Redgate Farm.  I can not say enough about the location of this school... on a farm with animals and a garden, water, mud, chicken eggs to gather, apple trees to climb... a child's paradise. 
The best part however is Teacher Suzie.  She is such a positive influence in the life of not only her students but their families as well.  She loves the kids.  She believes in learning by experiencing; providing the opportunity and letting the children take control of their own learning; letting them be curious first and filling their minds after that but also teaching without being official about teaching.
She has made me be a better mom.  I can watch Kaden swim in mud and I don't even get uptight anymore.  She has helped me say, "what's the big deal?" when it comes to giving my child an opportunity to experience something... as long as they are happy and safe.
I could go on and on about her.  I cried the week before school ended because I knew we wouldn't have Teacher Suzie's influence in our life anymore. 
I also cried because I am out of the preschool stage... my little baby boy is moving on to the big school now. 
That is weird and sad for me.
It's the closing of a chapter I have been in for 14 years.

At the final picnic (which I wasn't able to go to), Jeff didn't take enough pictures for me.  I would have gone crazy with the camera.  He only took this one.
Kaden with Collin and Colby Glazer with J.P. 
All in their undies, so happy, wading in the swamp.  Apparently Teacher Suzie joined them, fully clothed however, on an adventure through the swamp. 

Then there's Adyson... she graduated from Elementary School. 
Believe it!
I was teary before, during and after her graduation for several reasons...
Because I went to 5th grade camp I got to know all of her friends.  Love them!
Because I volunteered in her class all year I got to love her class and especially our reading group. 
Such a great age!

There goes Ady up to get her certificate!
Shaking the principal's hand and Ms. Trudeau's.
Here we are...
check out her cutest leopard print dress and "Jesus" sandals that she bought with her Father (who is a sucker for buying things for Ady.)
Ady with Morgan Jones. (who is crouching because she is tall.)
Best Buddie, Georgia Cleland who is our neighbor and been in every single class with Ady since we moved here.  
With Francesca Loiodice who is from Italy and taught Ady a few Italian phrases. 
(Kaden calls her Fran Jessica.)
Bestest buddy Mya Ford.  She moved in the same time we did.  They both do gymnastics and they both are short and so silly.

Just notice the size difference between Ady and her friends. 
By the way, she just had a physical and is in the 4rd percentile.  She is also healthy and strong and we have no need to think she is malnourished or a midget.  
The other reason why I was weepy before, during and after graduation was because of Ady's fantastic teacher.  Rarely do you get a teacher who comes a long and is life changing.  Rarely do you get a teacher who makes such an impact on your child in more ways than just academics.  Rarely do you get a teacher who you feel loves your child almost as much as you love them.
Well, that is Marcie Trudeau.
Maryn also had Ms. Trudeau but her affect on Ady was much more significant.
She is a woman who has no children of her own and therefore your children become her children in every sense of the word.   We notice that her car is the first to school in the morning and the last to leave at night.
She calls the students her "kidlets" and her class is always being commended for the respect they show and for the kindness they have for each other.
Ady blossomed academically and socially in her class.
I must say that she is a stickler. 
She will mark a whole problem wrong if you forgot to cross a t or dot an i.  You have to stay in from recess for extra help that she feels you need, or if you were absent or didn't do something correctly.  She is tough but she does it with love.

I cried as Marcie was telling me about how she feels about the students.  She mourns for the whole summer.  She feels like a parent who adopts a child and then who gets them ripped away by the real parents wanting their children back.  She is a wonderful lady who is good at what she does and loves what she does. 
We hope to keep in touch with her forever.
Then Emmy had her last day of school...
She had a teacher who was sweet as pie and nice as spice.  She also was the cutest dressed teacher I have ever seen. 
Emmy loved Mrs. Fletcher!  

At this moment, I am not able to comment on Maryn's last day of homeschooling because she is not yet completed.  We shall continue through the summer until she is done. 
Please pray for me.

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