Sunday, July 10, 2011

It's Always Fun When Grandparents... Hooray!

Having grandparents come for a visit is funner than all the holidays put together. 
At least that's how it is in my book because the child/adult ratio is just what I like it.
I get so much more done.
We have so much fun.
Everyone is happier.
I wish it could happen every day.

Grandparents are easy too because you don't have to entertain them. 
They make themselves useful.

Kaden had some "homework" times with Grandma.
My dad was bothered because there weren't more outlets in the garage so he could do his puttering around with, so what did he do...?
He added some more outlets to the garage.  No problemo for him.
Not to mention fixing light bulbs, unplugging gross shower drains and rigging up special hair catchers for the shower, and fixing the air compressor.
 Grandma helped me get my tomato plants going finally. 
She also felt like I needed an herb garden which she hooked me up with. 
No problemo for her. 
She taught Ady how to be a Green Thumb expert.

We are trying out those Topsy Turvey tomato and strawberry plants too.
Grandma also wanted to teach us how to make mozzarella cheese.  Yep, she did it too!
We had to make some of our homemade salsa for Grandpa!  He's a big fan of it! 
It even traveled home in his suitcase. 

Thanks Mom and Dad for all you did!  We had a super duper fun time while you were here.  Hurry back.  I've already started another list we've got to get working on.
Love ya!

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