Sunday, July 10, 2011

Field Trip away from school

Last year when we went to the San Juan Islands it screamed, "Marlene!" in my ears.  So, when my parents came for a visit in June I knew we had to squeeze a visit.  Just the ferry ride alone was something I knew my mom would love!  So, on a rainy and dreary Monday we took the kids out of school and headed off for a day of togetherness.

As soon as we got on the ferry the sun came out and stayed out until we pulled into our driveway late that night. 
It was a beautiful day. 

Maryn and Emmy were too into their addictive activities to enjoy the ferry ride with the rest of us. (Grandma's IPad and Emmy's book.)

 We disembarked at Friday Harbor grabbed us a map and headed off.  Our first official stop was the lighthouse and the supposed best whale watching spot. 
No whales.
Dad is a seaman at heart. 
He grew up by the ocean and it fills him with nostalgia every time he's near one.

Fun trees everywhere.  Nothing like having a fun picnic among nature.

Our next stop was the Alpaca farm.  It was the big day they got sheered and they did not like it one bit.


We stopped toward the north of the Island and discovered some pretty tide pools where the kids had a blast making discoveries.

It was a glorious day of touring! 
The kids had fun being photographers. 
Here's some of their shots.

 What better way than to end the day with Olive Garden's all you can eat soup and salad.

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