Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hey Batter Batter Batter

What is the cutest thing in the whole wide world?

Watching a 5 year old play his first year of T-ball.
No rules.
Everybody hits the ball.
Nobody gets out.
Everyone is happy.
The parents scream and cheer and take a million pictures.
The first few games were F-U-N-N-Y!  The boys weren't sure where to run, or even if it was time to run.  Some would go to 3rd base first and then back to home plate.  One boy was told to tag the runner "out" and he told his moms,' but that's cheating." 
Once in out field they would pick grass or talk to each other.
It was great to see how much they learned by the end of the season from those first few games.
Kaden's favorite position to play was catcher. 
He said he liked it because it gave him things to do like get the ball and put it on the T, throw the ball the the pitcher, catch the ball before it went back to the pitcher.  

I took this picture not so you could see that Kaden was #10 and J.P. was #32.
I took this picture so you could see how darn cute their little bums were in their baseball pants.  Sometimes you could even see their Spider man undies showing through their pants. 
That was adorable!

Grandparents: stay tuned for some actual video taken of the athletes in action. 

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