Monday, May 9, 2011

Put me in Time Out Please

 I Love Time out for Women!  I am a fan and long-time supporter.  I have most always gone with my friend, who was named in my last Time Out post, Sylvia.  I missed her so much this year.  She had more important matters like traveling to Alaska with her husband.  Gol!  This year I didn't attend with any bosom buddies, but with nice ladies from my ward.  (so I didn't feel like a loner going all by myself.)
Friday night the Speakers were John Bytheway and Mariama Kallon and the music was Michael McLean.  How can you go wrong with that group?
The Saturday music was provided by the LDS group, Mercy River... never heard of them before, but loved them... just moms who have fantastic harmony.
 One of the Saturday speakers was my former bishop and dad to a good friend of mine, Dean Hughes.  It was great to see him and get a hug from him.
 The rest of the line-up was Emily Freeman, Marilee Boyack, DeAnne Flynn and S. Michael Wilcox all pictured below.  Words can not express how amazing these days were for me.  When I was younger I used to think that only Spiritual people cried at testimony meetings, talks, church... well sistas, I guess I must be spiritual now because I was emotional the whole time.  Everything said was everything I needed.  Thanks great presenters for living your life in a way that uplifts mine.

One of my favorite things about TOFW is the adorable bags they hand out.  My collection is growing.

Just want to share some morsels of what I learned and have been thinking about ever since last weekend. 

* We don't want to DO more.  We only need to BE more.  We need to CHOSE TO BECOME.
13th Article of Faith-- We believe in "BEING"
* I need to be more conscious of having an uplifting and refining influence in my home.  
*T.V. is a toxic waste dump that we allow ourselves to marinate in.  Do I want my family to become what they see and hear on t.v.?
*My happiness can not be held hostage by the choices of others. 
* Holding grudges keeps you stuck in the past.  Forgiveness allows you to look forward.  Forgiveness allows you to refine yourself.  Forgiveness allows you to show that you desire to feel and see as the Savior, to be like Him;  unless you are perfect you must learn to forgive... but even the Savior, who was perfect, was a master forgiver.
*The day will come when we will have to answer for our lives.  Our trophies, titles, jobs, awards, clothes will not matter compared to our meekness, patience, charity, humility, love etc.
* I can relate to the New Testament story of the Widow's Mite.  I give a "mother's mite" every day.  My small acts every day does not mean insignificant.  The Savior sees every good thing I do as a mother every day and he accepts even though sometimes it's all I have to offer.
* Knowledge is the key in becoming.  Knowledge determines what we think about, what we do and who we are. 
*I want to be a keeper of my own home.  I want to create a home where my children will feel heavenly.  We are here on Earth practicing for heaven.
* To become takes sacrifice, but the blessings and the process will be precious to us.
*Chose to become His.  He chose us.  The Savior can't forget us because his remindings of us are en graven on the palms of His hands.  It should be our goal to chisel Him in our hearts so we can't forget Him.   

That's just a morsel.

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