Friday, May 6, 2011

My little Bunnies

A couple of years ago I bought "A Christ-Centered Easter" a fantastic book which helps you focus your Easter celebrations on the Savior. I love that book! This year we added it again to our scripture study and Easter countdown. Our home had the feeling in it like the kids were understanding what Easter is really all about.

We had some friends come over during the week and as they looked around our house they jokingly said that if the number of pictures of the Savior we had in our house was a sign of getting into heaven then we were going to be first in line. We had Jesus lined up in picture story form around our living room and all of our Jesus books layed out. My heart felt joy at seeing various kids throughout the week, turning on the fire place and cozying up to read those books that were out.

The Saturday before Easter was the most perfect day we have had in Washington in the year. Coloring eggs outside was heavenly.

With church being at 9:00 am. it's sorta crazy to get ready for church and be on time, let alone celebrate Easter. We did most of the celebrating after church. Too bad Easter wasn't on the day before because like a switch turned on, Sunday was a downpour of rain.

Although adorable, Maryn was so sick this day. I would have let her stay home but because it was Easter I made her put on her cute dress and come to church. We found out the next day that she had strep throat. (we can seem to get rid of it in our house.)

Once Kaden saw JP at church wearing only a white shirt and Khakis he felt like that's all he should ever wear to church too. If we want him to look sharp and snazzy it is a battle. Easter morning we didn't have time for a battle so we allowed him to refuse to wear his handsome Easter attire. He did humor us and put it on after church for the pictures.

I sure love these crazy kids. Aren't they adorable!

Oh, looky here. Aren't we cute too?

Easter was a fun day for us. We decided that since we felt like misfits with no family to enjoy the day with we should invite other misfits over. The Folkmans and Webbs (my nursery team) accepted the call. All 9 kids hunted for eggs over and over and over. The adults talked and laughed and ate. It was a great day!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

marshallmadness said...

My Spencer had Strep Throat the Thursday before Easter but was feeling better by Easter Sunday. We went to church and Sidnie fell asleep on James' lap while the Choir sang their program/Easter Cantata for sacrament meeting (I sang with them). I cuddle with Sidnie for a while after that, but knew I couldn't take her to RS, so I took her to nursery. Later they told me she slept most of nursery too. I immediately knew she didn't feel well. I felt her and she was hot. It was great we took her to church when she was sick--hoping we didn't infect the whole nursery. Then that night Zack started a fever and not feeling well. Oh the joy. Hope you all are doing better now.