Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Mommy's Day to Me

Mother's Day is one of my most favorite days of the year.  Here's why? 
I am far from perfect and sometimes kill myself with "mother guilt" daily, however, on Mother's Day I get treated with such love and kindness.  The kids go out of their way to get me what I want, rub my feet, let me nap, leave me alone, give me kisses.  It is my favorite day to go to church too.  Why? 
The 3rd hour of church is awesome.  The women are taken away from their callings and brought into the Cultural Hall where there is music by the Priesthood, Young Women and Primary.  There is a short message by the Bishop.  Then we get to indulge in tables of desserts and center pieces of chocolate.  We finish off the hour by basking in sisterhood eating and visiting. 
Nothing is finer in my book. 
When I woke up on Mother's Day I had a rose pathway guiding me to the kitchen. 

I was brought to this.
And these are the fine treasures who make me be a mother.  (even though it took about 8 tries to get them to take this picture.)
Kaden's preschool had a Mother's Day tea party with songs and food and gifts.  Kaden was such a kind boy this day making sure I was comfortable and enjoying his program.
The Activity Day girls had a Tea Party also.  Emmy made me the cutest notebook and Ady's group made pretty bracelets for their moms.
The scriptures are filled with stories about ordinary people who do great things... people who had flaws but were still able to be an instrument in the hand of the Lord.  Moses who was slow in speech,  Moroni who was a young kid, Alma the Younger who was rebellious teenager, Jonah who wanted to hide from the Lord.  etc.  I feel like mothers are in the same league... we're regular people who are required to raise a village of human beings.  There is so much that is asked of us.  But, Heavenly Father takes us and uses us.  He takes our abilities and makes us enough.  We, each are modern day, walking examples of the "loaves and fishes" story.  Our abilities are magnified.  We are involved in a perfect work that is done imperfectly every day.  I know that is why I am so hard on myself.   I am so imperfect and impatient and unorganized and inefficient.    Elder Holland says that, "we doubt our mortal ability to measure up to the task"... but we are enough.  Our desire and faith will make our children whole.  That gives me hope and faith.  That knowledge gets me up each morning to do it all over again.  I will hang on to prayer as my lifeline.  With that as well as my huge amount of perfect love for my offspring I will be OK.  I love being a mom!
Can't wait for next year's Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

What a fun mothers day, you lucky woman!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on moms. I appreciate little uplifting thoughts like those that ALL moms need to hear. It can be such a draining job! And by the way, that third hour of church is the best idea ever. I'm totally proposing that to our new ward in Michigan!