Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthday Time for Ads

11 (teeny tiny) years old.
 This girl is getting to be so old.  Even though she is a shorty and proud of it, she is an elderly-yummy-11 years-old-tough-cookie.
Her order for dinner was spaghetti "with hands." 
Easy enough.  No dishes and everyone happy.

 Ady had gymnastics on her birthday and was able to take donuts to not just her team, but to the entire gym.  Everyone came running when they heard that donuts were served.  Who doesn't like to feel popular on their birthday?
 Wednesday came and went and Ady went to bed  disappointed with her birthday because I was putting off planning a party.  This was the year for a friend party and every time she wanted to set a date for the party I told her "just a minute."  Not to mention that she wanted a trampoline for her birthday and parents got her a dumb old bike helmet instead.  (she gets to go pick out her new bike but that's not the same when you want a trampoline so stinkin' bad.)  That was the first time I went to bed thinking I had failed my child on their birthday.  Even though she acted nice I could tell that Ady was disappointed.  Little did she know that I had some sneakiness going on and was planning a surprise party with the help of her friend, Morgan.  Muahhh ah ah ah ah!
Two days later...Ady went to gymnastics on Friday feeling a little sick but I made her go anyway.  (a week later we found out that she had joined the strep throat club.)  As soon as she left for gymnastics the friends started arriving to help decorate.  Then we all drove to gymnastics where I got Ady out early and told her I felt bad making her going to gymnastics and she could come home and have a family night with us.  As we drove out of the parking lot her friends, who had been hiding in the way back, jumped out screaming.  Ady definately was surprised.
 Since I let 10 and 11 year olds help me plan the party I had to go along with some of their weird ideas... an avocado facial???  Since the day before was Cinco de Mayo I had guacamole on hand.  We did guacamole facials.  It was gross.
 Do you see how some of the girls have paper towels catching the green as it plops off their face?  It reminded me of Mrs. Doubtfire when she dipped her face into the Lemon Meringue pie pretending it was a facial and it kept plopping into the Social Workers coffee.  I found green plops on the carpet and floor for several days after.
 The highlight was birthday crepes.
Here are some of her favorites:

Movie: A Shine of Rainbows (sad) and Nacho Libre (funny).
Food: Watermelon
Color: lime green and pink
Free time activity: Doodle, computer.

It's funny to have Ady be getting so old.  You can tell she has some internal changes going on that makes her act crazy and hormonal at times.  But since she is so little it's easy to forget how old she.  She has to remind her mom and dad often that she's getting older and wants to be treated as such.

Here's some nice things that Ady's classmates said about her:
You are tiny but mighty.  You are the little gymnast of awesomeness.  You have the funniest laugh.  Your uplifting jokes and comments illuminate the class with joy.  I'm really glad you're my friend. You can do crazy things I would never imagine doing.  You are a hard working student and I appreciate the example you set for me.  You are always very cheerful.  You light up every room you walk into because you're always happy. 

All I have to say to top those nice words is that if you ever want to have the biggest anaconda hug you tuck Ady in at night.  If you ever want the nicest kisses then tuck Ady in to bed at night.  When Ady is snuggled in bed that is when you will get those treasures.  She won't be caught doing either one of those things any other time of day but boy is it special when she does them. 

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