Thursday, May 26, 2011

Who Dunnit

The week of Easter we came home after being gone most of the day and there on our porch was an Easter Lilly.  There was no tag, no name, no identification of who could have delivered this to us.  We thought for sure that the sender would  have left a message on our phone. 
We are so curious!
The flowers were just opening up and the Lilly was so pretty.   We still have no idea who thoughtfully left this on our porch.   We feel loved but at the same time I can't stand surprises and not knowing who gave this to us. 
If you're out there, please come forward. 
Also, thanks for being kind. 
It came on a day that was physically and emotionally draining for us.  It's nice to feel loved and it only has made us want to return the kindness to someone else. 
Even though the flowers have all died and fallen off we keep it in our kitchen where we can look at it and be reminded that someone likes us. 

We can be reminded that service makes people happy. 

We can be reminded that we had better do our service project for the day.

Thanks friend, whoever you are!

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