Monday, November 3, 2014

Misc. September Stuff

I LOVE produce from the garden.  It is so yummy!  
I love it so much!  
Unfortunately for me I don't make the time to have my own garden but fortunately, 
my mommy likes to share her garden produce and my bishop's wife likes to share hers.  This day was a bounteous harvest. I just wanted to spread it all out on the counter and see the fruits of other's labors.  
I loved going to the General Women's Conference with my mom, my sister, my sister-in-law, my 3 daughters, my aunt, my 2 cousins and my cousin's daughter.  
It was Girl time at Chili's and special time at Conference.
I love these women in my life.

Emmy hadn't been feeling good and even missed a few days of school.  Well, you know me, if you tell me you don't feel well then I like to get you feeling all better QUICK with my potions and pills and magical concoctions.  I don't know why but I just love to cure a cold or the flu faster than anyone around.  It's so fun to me.  Can you see all of Emmy's drinks and pills and fermented garlic all lined up?  Yep, she's so happy to be able to get those things in her.  Some people would rather not take all that good stuff and feel sick longer... but why?  Emmy said she fit into that category but I had to convince her that I didn't want to get sick and she had to get back to school.  It was painful but she managed to get everything down. 
We have loved babysitting at least once a week our best baby Elsie who is nearly part of our family.  Here are some fun photos we took of her to share with her working mom to let her know that all was well with Elsie.

Ady tied Elsie to her so she wouldn't slip off her lap and she could still practice the piano.

Coming to Emmy's harp recital.
She goes everywhere with me and is the best baby.

...and so cute.

I loved a visit from Marcie and Jamie.  
These 2 are my family.  
We had the best time laughing and catching up.
Emmy had a friend over one Friday evening.  
While they were eating dinner I noticed that it was so quiet at the table and I looked over and saw this...
2 friends, eating quietly while reading!    After 5 minutes I made them close their books and talk and then go outside to play.  I love a good reader, but there are times when I feel like reading is inappropriate.
One Sunday afternoon when my kids were bouncing off the walls and it looked like the afternoon was going to last forever I knew I had to get my creative juices flowing.  I told the kids I had a surprise for them downstairs but they couldn't come down for 5 minutes. I ran to prepare myself.  When they came down, it was dark and I had the Jackson 5 music blaring and me dancing like a crazy lady with our black lights.  My kids were so surprised and laughed their heads off seeing their mom dancing like this.
After 10 minutes I was utterly exhausted from dancing and the kids took over. They spent the rest of the Sunday afternoon dancing and thinking they were so funny.  Whew!  We made a memory and had fun and had a happy Sunday too.

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