Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Spring Break part 2 Arches

Friday morning we woke up, did our few minutes of exercising and were off on our new adventure for the day
Arches National Park.
It was a lovely day
and all the family was in a great mood
singing and happy as we drove in the car.
The kids even surprised me with wanting to watch the introduction movie at the visitor's center. 
Kids don't usually like to do that.
The park was so fun.
We did most all of the hikes suggested except the "delicate arch" hike.  We did the lame-o hikers hike for that one...
and we all swore that next time we were doing the real deal hike.
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

This one is the lame-o hike to "delicate arch."
Still a good view but not like being right up against it.

In all the bright orange and red rock these wild flowers popped right out.

Sometimes we had to hike in some sand dunes to get to an arch...
when the wind started to blow it hurt our eyes, legs, faces, arms, calves.

This one was my favorite arch.

The wind was picking up, our tummies were so hungry and we had hiked plenty in the last 2 days; we saw so many arches and had a blast but we decided it was time to go.  It was the Moab Jeep safari weekend, so we joined the crowds and ate at the yummiest diner in Moab and found this car on the way out of town.
Awesome day of Spring Break!

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