Monday, June 23, 2014

My Stretch

As part of a mentoring class that I took we had an assignment to do a "stretch" during the 6 month course.
A "stretch" meaning
*doing something to get us out of our comfort zone.
*doing something that would stretch our mind and body.
*doing something in an area where we needed growth.
*doing something that we have always wanted to do but felt like we were being held back by our fears or insecurities.
*doing something that we knew would be hard but would be a growth like no other.
It didn't take me long to decide that I wanted to do a half marathon.
Here's why:
*I never thought of myself as a runner.
*I've always said, I'm not a runner.
*I've always thought, "there's no way I can be a runner, I can barely run 1 mile."
*I look at runners and wonder if they are really having fun.  I wanted to know the thrill.
*I want the body of a runner.
*I knew it would be a daily, constant challenge that I was ready for.
The fun of it was that my sister, Marianne decided to do it too.  We had visions of us training together every week.  The reality of it was that we only ran twice together... hard to squeeze those runs in especially when we had to travel to get to each other.
Our first step was signing up for the 1/2 marathon.  We chose the Provo City Half because it met our time frame plus we had heard that it would be a good first race to run.
Our second step was to come up with a training program to keep us on track with how far we needed to run to be prepared in 4 months.  I won't lie, I was nervous but I had to quickly shift my thinking instead of saying, "I can't do this" or "I don't want to do this" to saying, "I am a runner, this is what runners do.  I love running.  It feels awesome.  I can do this.  I am doing this."
Then January 1st, 2014 began the training.
Let me tell you, it was a daily mind over matter issue with me.  Running for me became a MIND game. For the majority of the time of my training it was freezing cold; sometimes raining, sometimes snowing, always windy.  Some days I would sit in the car for 20 minutes getting up my guts to get out and start running.  I usually had to force myself. 
My biggest challenge?
I had to use the bathroom a lot while I ran.  It became an inconvenience and I had to plan my course around places where I knew I could use a bathroom.  I wondered if I was getting old; I tried to not drink before I ran, but I also think that just the worry of wondering where I was going to go potty made me nervous and made me have to go more.  That became my biggest challenge the whole training time.  Thank goodness for gas stations, Walmart, port-a-potties at construction sites, Lutheran church buildings, schools, office buildings. 
Anyway, it was fun to capture me after most runs.  It's how Marianne and I would be accountable to each other. 
We would report in.
As I ran farther it was fun to be able to say, "I only ran 5 miles" or "I had to squeeze in 8 miles today."  That for sure was an awesome feeling to be able to say that. 
I talked like a runner.
I was a runner.
Here is my proof.
I loved to capture myself just because I had a similar look every day.  I felt like a Babushka with my scarf and everything.  But, it was COLD.
Sometimes I would run on my treadmill but that became SO boring and didn't last long.

I had to get all sorts of quotes and thoughts and ideas to help me with my goal. 
That's what runners do, right?

Here in Bluffdale the wind is always blowing. 
Annoying when you're a runner.

One of my 2 runs with Marianne.
It was SO much funner running with a partner.
The work out we had on Spring Break.
Only got in 2 miles this day because there were treadmill hogs in the family.
This face must have been after a really long run...
like, I made it!
Maryn and I ran the Provo River Trail together.
Super fun and apparently windy.
trying out a new trail up by the Draper Temple.
This was after my big 12 mile training day.
Exhausted, sore but I finished because that's what runners do.
Don't want to forget my favorite porta potty on a construction site.
 Provo River Trail, beautiful view!
this day I found where the sidewalk ends.
 I also captured a few pictures of weird things I saw on my runs...
a smooshed up dead skunk.
 a duck
 beautiful blossoms.
I loved it as the weather got warmer.
The week before May 3rd and I was so nervous.
I was mainly nervous that I was going to have to go to the bathroom while on the course.
Lots of nervous excitement.
I slept with my kids at my parents in Provo.
I woke up at 4:40, tried to eat some breakfast, picked up Marianne and headed to the bus shuttle before 5:30.
Now, we took a gazillion more pictures that some day I'll get ahold of, but for now here are some good ones that record the day.
Us with our tired eyes waiting in the LONG lines at the bathroom, only to find out it was a one stall potty with no more toilet paper left.  So we went to the out houses and stood in line there.
 Waiting in line at the out houses.
We finished up there with just a minute or 2 to spare before the whistle blew.
 About 3 miles into it on the Provo River Trail.
Beautiful morning.
The morning was glorious.
The excitement in the air was thrilling.
I felt great... except for mile 3... my IT band was hurting... probably because of the downhill run for the first 3 miles.
I was discouraged but the thought of giving up was NEVER a thought.  I was only frustrated because my knee was the least of my worries.  It hadn't bothered me for months.  Before when it hurt it sent shooting pain up my leg and I would have to immediately stop.  However this time I could run for a few minutes and walk for a few minutes.  Marianne would help stretch it out.  I prayed to have it go away but instead I had to endure it for the whole entire race.  It was not going to stop me from finishing, but it was super annoying.  I couldn't run my best, I was holding Marianne back, but the miracle was that I could continue to race.  Other than that I felt awesome.  (as I write that it seems to be a metaphor for my life.)
And then we finished!
Our families were there at the finish line cheering us on which made it so fun!
 We were so proud to have finished.
Even while we were running we were planning our next race.
Were we crazy?
No!  We are just runners and that's what runners do.
 While I was running Maryn was at BYU trying out for the Youth Ballroom Dance teams.  When we got together we were happy with the great job we both did.
 This lady was awesome.
A 77 year old lady from Arkansas in Utah for a business trip.  She started doing races when she was 65 because she wanted to live life and not be on a couch getting old.  She inspired us so much.  She mostly walked and loved the beauty of the canyon.  She took a ton of pictures while she was racing which was how we started talking to her.  She still beat our time by 15 minutes. 

So happy for my stretch!
Here's what I learned:
*everything you do starts with your thoughts.
*running is a mental thing.
*I'm still not sure I actually LOVE running.
*didn't lose 1 pound while training.
*doing hard things stretches you and makes you grow!
*I can do hard things.
*growth and learning is a day at a time.
*each day counts when you are trying to live your best self.
*your body can do more than you think.
*It's easier to stay home and do nothing but who does that serve?"
*I want to do more hard things.
*What other areas in my life can be challenged?
*Nature is God's way to show us that He loves us.
*My thoughts are powerful.
*I am powerful!!!

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