Wednesday, February 26, 2014


In the Fall, Ady surprised the socks off of me when she tried out for her school basketball team.  She claimed that her friend MADE her do it but I don't believe that for a second because Ady is feisty and scrappy and once she sets her mind to something then you'd be a fool to stand in her way.
Because the school is new this was the first year a girls bball team was created.  Ady tried to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal that she actually made the team but I do know that not all the girls who tried out made the team.  This was my girl who in the 1st grade didn't want to play soccer anymore because she didn't like to take the ball away from the other girls... not super aggressive or pushy that girl... at least that's what we thought back then.
Although Ady was the shortest basketball player ever to hit the basketball court she was the best defender on her team. 
Did you hear me?!  The BEST DEFENDER!
She used her height to her advantage. 
(Her uncle Marc nicknamed her "Johnette Stockton.)
She was awesome.  Just look at these pictures of how she got right in there and hustled up and down the court defending all the tall girls.
(once again I am not a sports photographer so these pictures are lousy and so blurry.)
notice her pink high tops
love them.

(check out her pony tail on this one.  It proves that she's hustling on that court.)

Holy Hannah,
look who was the ref at this game!
I walked into the gym to see Uncle Larry ref-ing. 
So fun... and weird... but fun.
 This picture was taken by Marc who became Ady's personal cheerleader at the games. 
 He came to several which made it officially fun for all of us.

 Then Marc took this picture because he could NOT believe Ady's arms! 
Such a muscular little lady she is.
No she's not even flexing... just checking her phone.
 These adorable charter school basketball games were not high scoring at all.
They thought it was a good game if they got 10 points. 
One game the coach bribed them with an all-you-can-eat at Arctic Circle if they got 20 points.
So they did.
The girls stuffed themselves at Arctic Circle with $100 worth of food.
I'm all for bribing.
 I got these cute team photos but never got the one of all their faces.
Amazingly with each game these girls got better and more confidant.  They actually got 4th in their region and made it to the play-offs in Weber.  They played the girls who were in first place and SO tall. Although they didn't win it was the best game of the whole season and they played awesome!
 These 2 lunatics were mad I wouldn't buy them something from the vending machines. 
Poor pathetic little creatures.
They have it so rough.
 Look at Ady staying with her "man." 
She's a hard-core defender... did I say that already.
I just have to say that I am SO proud of Ady! 
She tried something that she didn't think she would like or didn't think she would be good at.  She was the shortest player and sometimes got hurt by the bigger girls but she was determined to play basketball and she did.  She was awesome.  She realized that she liked it and had something to offer.  She realized that it's fun to be on a team.  It's been fun to have her be totally into basketball now-- she always wants to go outside in our driveway to "shoot some hoop."  She wants to hang out with me and watch the BYU basketball team play, or actually any basketball game that's playing.  It's like this whole new world has been open to her that she realized she really likes.  I love that.  That's how life should be... try something new and see now you like it.  Who knows... you might find that you really really like it and are really good at it too.
Great job Ady!
So proud!

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