Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Let it Snow!

Holy Hannah!
We got a lot of snow in a short amount of time around here. 
It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to drive from yonder and thar all the time, but I do and the roads have been a bit treacherous.  Since we live by the Point of the Mountain we get it a tad worse than others.  I don't enjoy driving in the blizzards.  It's not me I worry about but all the fast drivers, the ones who end up sliding off the road or doing 180's right in front of you. 
But, as much as I hate driving in these wintery conditions the kids find much JOY in the snow. 
(I personally find it freezing cold).
I love to see the kids bundling up and going out with all the neighbor kids to build things or sled down driveways. 
So fun for them to do and so fun for me to watch (from the windows)! 

I do enjoy a good snow storm because it makes the world so beautiful and white and pure and crisp.
I'd like it a lot more if the snow plowers could do their job twice as fast but I don't want their job, so I won't complain. 
But snow is pretty!
And boys dressed up in their winter gear dragging sleds behind them are absolutely adorable!
And kids playing in snow like they are playing on a sandy, sunny beach are adorable too. 

Snow means Christmas and kids home from school so I'll take it.

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