I felt so special when the day before Thanksgiving I got a call from the Madsens inviting us to breakfast at Melissa's house.
They are like family!
For 4 1/2 years they were family when we lived in Redding.
I choked and sobbed like a baby when we had to say good-bye to them.
These were the kinds of people who we could just go over and hang out with. We could invite ourselves over to dinner any day of the week. We could drop our kids off to be loved anytime. Sara kissed our babies as much as she kissed her own. Her kids loved and babysat my kids all the time. In fact, Stephanie would call to ask if she could take Kaden who was just a few months old, out to lunch with her friends. I must have trusted that girl a lot! Even though we only lived 10 minutes from each other we would have sleep overs just because we could.
So, to get to be with them again was a humongous treat.
We hadn't seen Julia for several years. She's so old. It was awesome to see Maryn and Julia be little crazies again.
Never miss a beat with this great lady!
I loved working in Young Women's with her. I loved playing piano duets with her. I loved making each other laugh and giggle. Since our husbands were in the bishopric together we sat together towards the front and she helped me with all my tinies. We made our husbands giggle on the stand and we giggled our heads off at them watching them. We both played the organ for sacrament meeting which made us laugh too. We went on lots of trips together, camping, San Francisco and even Hawaii. We did 2 triathlons together which was amazing and crazy. I could go on and on. I love her SO much! She is awesome and I want to be just exactly like her.
I hadn't seen Steve in forever. Although he's so weird and funny and I like to make fun of him and he always mocks me, seeing him made me feel strong and normal. He helped me realize again that I'm going to be ok. I felt so sad that our friendship won't ever be the same again with the 4 of us going out on dates all the time, and laughing while being crazy, but it also made me so grateful for what I have with these great people. Grateful for the awesome memories. They are friends through and through. Loved being with them so much.
With Stephanie, (kaden's second mother) and Julia. Two of the 5 awesomest Madsen children.
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