Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Big Day!

As the first day of school was fast approaching I tried my hardest to make it stop.
It did no good.
Instead of fighting it we decided to get ready for it.
Got haircuts for 3 kids by our favorite hair cutter and long time friend Jolynn Skousen.
Kaden loved his first ever hair wash in Jolynn's sink.
The Sunday before the kids got their school blessings.
Grandpa gave super special blessings to Emmy...
...and Ady.
And Kaden picked Uncle Marc to give his blessing. 
So special!
Sort of like the Grinch, no matter how I tried to stop the first day of school from coming it came... it came just the same.
It's a good thing the kids were ready and excited.
The best news for us was that their incredibly awesome charter school had built a new one in Draper and we got IN.  Yea!  No more freeway driving to school all the way to West Valley.  So glad those days are behind us!  I'll save so much on gas money and so much time in the car.  Now the drive is only about 12 minutes to school instead of 38.
Kaden in the 2nd grade.
Emmy in the 5th grade.
Ady in the 8th grade.
Seriously!  Why do my kids have to be growing up so fast?  Aren't they cute? 
Also, just as a reminder...
I love uniforms!
Maryn started her 11th grade at her school where she's been since January and where she will stay until the middle of November.  We sure miss her on these sort of days and proud of all the good work she's doing!
The good news is that I can finally get to all those projects that have been on hold all Summer.

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