Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Little Musical Concert

After a year of taking lessons Kaden has finally finished all of his Suzuki Book 1 Twinkles which qualified him to have his guitar recital.
One Sunday evening in July his teacher came to our house, and the family gathered while Kaden gave the most awesome recital.
The audience members were mesmerized.
Kaden played so well and was please when we clapped after each piece.
Love his smile.
He felt awesome.
This was after he played his final piece and we all stood and gave him a standing ovation.
He's so proud of himself.

As his awesome teacher spoke about the pride that these children have at performing and showing ALL of their hard work, and the support the family gives, she got all teary eyed and was proud as punch of Kaden because she knows how hard he has worked.
She claimed that this is the reason she teaches... she loves the great feeling the kids get at accomplishing something hard, and seeing the pride in their smiles.
She presented me with a cute guitar pin to pin on his tie. 
Oh, the hard work indeed... daily, consistent practicing, pain and tears.
In the end it is all worth it.
Since we had an audience Ady played a piece for everyone on the piano.  It was the piece she was performing the following week in Sacrament Meeting, "Love One Another" arranged by her teacher
David Glen Hatch. 
It was marvelous and was another demonstration of LOTS of hard work, pain and tears.

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