Sunday, January 1, 2012

Spiritual stuff

In one month of living in Utah it felt like we had done so much already to take in our new home.
Maryn had been invited by our cousins, the Findlays, to do a Temple Walk from the Draper Temple to the Salt Lake Temple... about 26 miles.  She said it was so exhausting!  But so worthwhile.  The big surprise for everyone was being greeted by Sister Elaine Dalton, the General Young Women's President. Maryn got a hug from her to top off the greatness of that walk teaching her that she can do Hard Things.
We were lucky enough to get tickets to go to General Conference.
Merrill came with us.

The choir and everyone gathering for the meeting to start.
(Sunday afternoon session.)
And then the Prophet, President Monson and his counselors came in.  It gave us all the shivers of excitement to see him in person.
I said a big prayer in my heart that my girls would feel of his spirit and know that he was a prophet. 
It was amazing to be in that great big, Conference Center
with all the gazillion people
listening to the amazing Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing
sitting in the same room as the Prophet and Apostles
listening and learning together.

Love the Spirit
Love the Church

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