Monday, January 2, 2012


Kaden was Squanto in his Kindergarten play. 
He had a speaking part and an awesome costume.
And sang the cutest songs.
And then we had a delicious feast in his classroom afterwards. 

For the month of September Ady was picked from her class to recieve the award for being a hard worker. 
We were so proud of her.
Her teacher pinned on the pin that is on her collar.  She wears it every day to show that she got that award and to remember that she is a hard worker.
Here's what her teacher Mr. Christiansen said about Ady:
"Adyson is a joy to have in class.  She comes to school every day with a smile on her face and a positive attitude.  Adyson definitely enjoys work.  She has completed every assignment on time, and gives her best effort in everything she does.  Adyson, thank you for the great example you set for your classmates and for making teaching so much fun.  You're incredible!"

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