Sunday, January 1, 2012

Labor Day

One of the best things about being back in Utah is being close to some special friends. 
(although there are several friends who I haven't seen yet and some don't even know we are here.  Sorry.)
Marie is one of those great friends.
She was my best girlfriend in high school
group dates
crazy times
BYU Women's Chorus
Hill Cumorah Pageant
Summer jobs
Israel Study  Abroad
and many many more things.
It was awesome to see her at a big Stake party and then have her call the next day inviting my family to go boating with her family for Labor Day.

Yep, we went and had a ton of fun on the Stone Family boat.
It actually was a dreary looking day.  A bit cold on the water.

And then the sun peaked out enough and we found some smooth water for the brave ones.

Maryn made herself proud being a wake-boarder on her first try.
and second try...
and third try...
And all of her tries she did awesome!
Jeff gave it a shot too.
I was proud of Emmy for jumping in and wanting a go at it.
As it was time to go the waves started picking up and made for a very long and wet and freezing ride back to dock.  For some of the Slichtas who get motion sick or aren't used to riding on boats it was a scarey ride too. 
(their not the ones in the picture)
Thanks for a great day Stone family!

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