Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Back to School... All of them!

On August 25th me and the kids filled the mini van to near overflowing.   We packed the essentials and said good-bye to our beautiful Sammamish and drove off to Utah to begin a new life.  We couldn't enjoy this journey quite as much because we had a deadline...

Friday at 2:00 we had school meetings we had to be at in Salt Lake. 
We didn't have a minute to spare as we arrived on the dot.
We spent the weekend getting moved it to Marty's house,
(bless his heart)
going to Seven-Peaks,
getting school clothes ready,
and enjoying our last days to sleep in.
I am not a mom who is excited for school to start
It only means schedules
making lunches
waking up early
paper cluttering the house
being stressed about bedtime
and besides that,
I like to relax and be spontaneous with my children.
But, none the less
the first day of school did come:
Here they are all dressed up.
Ady in 6th grade.
Emmy in 3rd grade
Kaden in Kindergarten
Maryn in 9th grade
I have some words to stay about the school uniform, especially since I am writing this after a few months of them wearing their uniforms.
I always looked at families who had children who wore school uniforms and thought they were snooty or prim and proper or rich.
They appeared as if they went to a Girl's Catholic Private Academy.
It just seemed so different and not fun to wear uniforms.
I was a very sceptical at first to become a uniform family and so were the kids,
But now that we are a uniform wearing family
Here are my reasons:
There is zero time spent in the morning wondering what to wear.
My laundry has gone down a million percent.
The kids at school all feel like equals.  There are no popular kids because their clothes equalize them. 
Maryn has a few variations of her uniform with 2 skirts or pants and on Friday they all get to wear khaki pants and a navy polo.
They have never, not once, complained about wearing their uniforms.
It has simplified life all over the place.
They don't need as many clothes as before.
Be judgemental if you may about them... I was
I will forever be an advocate of the school uniform.
A huge blessing about going to American Preparatory Academy is that my brother, Merrill works there.  He is able to drive the kids the 38 minute drive (without traffic) to school most days.  So far when 2 of the kids got sick at school
(Emmy barfing on her desk)
they were able to go lie down in Merrill's office until I could drive the 38 minutes (without traffic) to get them.
This picture is the first day of school.
Merrill's office was still being put together so they had to sit on the floor while they waited for me to pick them up at the end of the day.  (38 minutes).
Just as an Afterward to this post:
the kids LOVE LOVE LOVE their school.  They have the best teachers.  They have the funnest ways of learning.  Lots of repetition in many sing songy, rhymes and cheers.
I am going through a bit of an adjustment too (although not too difficult) with having ALL the kids in school.
Remember homeschooling Maryn last year?
Glad that's done.
And Kaden's kindergarten is ALL day.
That is hard to have him be gone for the whole day.
But he is happy and loving it so I can't feel bad about that.
We have been blessed SO much with getting these kids in this school
It is a huge answer to prayers in so many ways.

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