Sunday, July 24, 2011

A spontaneous Trip

Because the Seattle weather hadn't turned to Summer yet and because Jeff was going to be out of town, and mostly because of a family baby blessing we decided one day to go to Utah.  We caravaned with our friends the Debenhams.  And the best part was that it was a total surprise that we were coming.  Even when we got calls from Utah family asking what we were doing we couldn't tell them we were 1/2 way to their house.  We had to make up a bunch of lies all along the way.  But when we got their the surprise was well worth it.
Mom was shopping at the mall.  We staked out at Tai Pan Trading and shocked the socks off of her there.

The main reason we wanted to visit was to see Mckay and Danielle's new baby...
this little yummy girl... Cambri.
She is so darn cute.
We could not get enough of her.

Danielle went back to work while we were there.  We got chosen to be the babysitters for 3 days.  This was my favorite thing to do while I babysat.  
Spencer and Kaden played non stop.

Kenley loved playing with the cousins.

Grandma and Grandpa with all their cutest ever grandchildren. 
Slowly but surely the numbers are growing.
The kids talking to their dad on Father's Day.  We hated not being with him.
But it was fun to be with MY dad on Father's Day. 
We went swimming several times.

The gentlemen with the babies and large umbrellas.

Kaden loved to do whatever Marc was doing. 
Grandma working in the yard every morning.
Maryn and Ady thought they were pretty tough tetherball players until they played against Marc.
We all loved playing some new game where you throw ball ropey thingys on a bars and get points and stuff.

The snow sled got a lot of use as a shield from the water fights.
This was one of my most favorite events of the week...
Maryn was laying out in the sun.  peaceful.  relaxing.  in a swimsuit.
Merrill snuck up behind her with the water gun shooter and not only scared the heck out of her but got her pretty wet too.  All I know is that if anyone else had doen this Maryn would have been screaming mad.  But, Merrill was brave enough and laughed hard enough about it that Maryn thought it was pretty fun too.

We got a surprise visit from my favoritest mission companion and friend, Lynette Smedley and her husband Mark.  She makes me so happy. 
I hadn't seen her in a couple of year...too bad I looked gross in my swimsuit cover-up.
We had a girls event of getting our toenails painted with glitter gel.  We even invited the Haliday girls over to join in the fun too.

Our first time to stay at Marty's house.  He was the best host ever.  Maryn and I did puzzles while we were there and finished them just in the nick of time before it was time to go home.
We laughed hard when we found this outfit that Marianne used to wear.  She and grandma made it.  It was pretty big on Ady.
Our last night we played outside family games.  Ooga Booga made us laugh really hard.
Marty, Mom and me went to a cooking class at Gygis.  I felt so domestic and had a lot of fun learning how to make yummy dressings, sauces and vegetables.  Loved our aprons.
Ooooooh!  Yummy!

A fun highlight for us was the family dances that we had. 
Merrill and Maryn would suddenly break out in ballroom no matter where we were.

 Then Merrill would grab others and get them to join in.
 And then there was Kaden who couldn't get enough of his Latin dancing. 
He seriously was a natural.

One of the many videos we took of Kaden dancing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love checking out your blog .. helps us not to miss youn ALL so much!! Love Kaden's dancing....Love you ALL, Aunt Sandy