Sunday, July 17, 2011

Red and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue...

Jeff can sing a rainbow
sing a rainbow
sing a rainbow too.
This is the story of Jeff's hair.
Jeff was in a talent show at work and felt like he really wanted to play the part
so he colored his hair black thinking it would wash right out. 
(Yeah after 6-10 weeks.)
This picture is of him admiring his dandy work...
not yet knowing that it wasn't going to wash out.
He came home to us with black hair.

His hair was so startling to look at that he felt like before he shaved his head he should try something.
After getting hair advice from my hair dresser Jeff went to a hair supply store looking for a hair color stripper.  The girls working there talked back and forth and convinced Jeff that they could help his hair.  Three hours and 100 dollars later Jeff walked out with hair
 At church Jeff got so many comments about him going through a midlife crisis. 
Now his hair was really startling to look at. 
But before Jeff shaved his head he felt like he should try something else.
At my hair appointment the next day my hair dresser and friend knew exactly why Jeff's hair turned a bright carrot-top auburn redish.  She suggested Jeff come in and she would do just the right things to his hair to get it back to it's natural color.
One hour and 60 dollars later Jeff came home looking close to Marilyn Monroe.
(Because of the lighting and shadows of this picture you don't quite see that his hair was VERY blond.  White'ish.)
Of course at church everyone was confused and now thought even more that Jeff was going through a midlife crisis.
I was beginning to wonder myself.
 While we were in Utah we had family pictures done.  My mom wanted to try some of her costume make-up to see if she could help Jeff's hair simmer down a bit.
 It sort of worked. 
But it also washed out after the pictures.
So this is the Jeff that we have now known for the last month. 
The sun has made it even blonder. 
He got it cut super short yesterday which made it look like his tips are frosted.
A type of surfer-dude look.. if you like that look. 
We're so close to his original color...
which right now I can't remember what that is.

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