After coming back from the Pageant we realized the summer was almost over. We didn't have much down time to do the normal summer things we wanted. The kids only went to our favorite pool once. There weren't any swimming lessons or extra camps. The girls went to Young Women's Girl's Camp for a few days and Jeff took all the kids on a cruise to the Bahamas for a week and then
it was time for school to begin.
Although I would NEVER trade going to the Pageant ever ever, ever, ever, ever ever
I felt like we had the teeny tiniest summer.
Before we knew it
it was our worst day ever...
The First Day of School.
We tried to act happy and excited that my beautiful lovelies were growing up and headed off to a new grade with new teachers and new experiences, but it was hard.
My best Kado boy headed to the 3rd grade.
How can that be?
Emmyliscious ready to have her best year ever in the 6th grade.
The 9th grade won't know what hit them with Ady being so grown up and smart.
I can't speak cuz I'm crying.
A senior at Riverton. Really?
I just love these people who belong to me.
They are fun and kind and smart and is it wrong of me to want just 2 more months of summer with them?
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