Wednesday, November 26, 2014


If Elsie's mom and dad knew how many pictures we take of her I wonder if they'd let us continue babysitting her. But, she's so cute and fun for the girls to babysit.

Sara came into town and the 3 of us girls went out to lunch together.
In Maryn's home Ec class she had to bring a baby home.  It was a computerized baby that cried until to you fed it, changed it, held it, rocked it.  You didn't know what you had to do to take care of it until you did the right one.  Fortunately she only had it for 2 days because that baby got up in the night, cried during church, cried at a doctor's appointment.  It seemed to know when it was supposed to be quiet because that's when it cried.  Hopefully this experience taught Maryn some things...

Snuggling with cute cousins watching a movie.  
Nothing is better than that.

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