Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Summer Culture

One of the best and cutest plays we have ever seen is 
Peter Pan at the Hale Center Theater.

The kids still talk about it and we all still laugh at how funny it was.
pictures after with 
John and Michael.
picture with Wendy
This guy, Peter Pan did a great job.

We finally celebrated Father's Day with our hot dogs at the Owlz game.
Emmy and Kaden got to run the bases after the game.

Good times with everyone!
(except Ady she had a fever and felt terrible.)
This day that we went to the baseball game was particularly crazy.  I pushed the kids the whole day driving all over both valleys.  We drove back and forth to Provo 4 times between our garage sale, Ady's dress rehearsal for Youth Conference, dinner at our friends the Smith's home and then the baseball game.  We were exhausted and had hangovers the next day from it all.  
Too much sun and too little food.
It's hard work having so much fun!

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