Wednesday, September 17, 2014


When we heard that Uncle Bubba was coming into town and we would get less than 24 hours with him because of our big trip the next day, we immediately put a "dibs" on picking him up from the airport and having a sleepover with him at our house.

It's always a party in gigantic proportions with Bubba around.
After we got him we went to Cracker Barrel because we were starving.

We played fun games while we waited for our food.
And we ate the yummiest tin foil dinner served at Cracker Barrel to help us feel like it was summer.
And then we played some more games...
The next morning Bubba helped us get ready for our trip by cleaning out the car.  It took him much longer than expected not only because our car was very disgusting but because he was super thorough with his cleaning.

He brought us all in to have a free garage sale of our items that he found in the car.
He mostly was puzzled and wanted to ask the girls just how many lotions do you really need in the car at one time?
We counted 10.

He helped us pack and clean and laugh.
I was so grateful to be with him and especially for all the help he rendered to this poor woman. 

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