Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Winter sillys epistle 3

One thing about the Mathesons is we can have a good time anytime and anyplace. The kids had wanted to go sledding in Utah but it had been so freezing cold that we just kept waiting for a warmer day. The snow wasn't good for making snowmen anymore so some of us bundled up and had our own fun... sledding in the backyard... on flat ground. It ended up that we pulled each other around to see who could get thrown off the sled.
Spencer watched where it was warm. He's so darn cute!
Merrill and Marianne playing some sort of chasing game... I think.
It took 2 people to get me and Kaden moving.
Emmy hung on the longest with the craziest ride of all.
All bundled up and no where to go... but we had some sleds, a great backyard and each other.

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