Friday, August 8, 2014


This is so long overdue, but I have to post about 
Mother's Day.
The week before Mother's Day all the girls went to Relief Society with Mom to help join in a Mother's Day celebration.  We ate and made gigantic tissue paper flowers.
Just fun to be together, cuz not all of our flowers turned out real cute.

My best kids made me breakfast in bed.
A hard thing to do when church is at 9:00.
Scrambled eggs, tomatoes and white chocolate chips... 
with a flower on the side, 
and a bouquet brought to me by my dad. 
 Then Ady wanted to fix my hair.

 I felt like a princess.
 And Emmy made me a fantastic sign like only Emmy can.
It's always a great day because it's a guaranteed day that I get to be with my children AND my own mother.
This year, among our fabulous Salad Bar and grilled food we also enjoyed our deliciously divine chocolate fountain.  
Mmmm Hmmmm...!!

All the chocolate liquid made us so happy!
Even baby Kate was delicious this day too.
Then I tried for a really long time to get a picture with my mom.  
And Marianne had to keep ruining my picture because she wanted to be the favorite too.

At last we snapped a quick one before a gigantic hand came right in front of the camera.
This here is one fine lady! 
She is a hero in my eyes.  
She has done amazing things as a mother and I look to her as the person who still knows everything.
I still call her wondering how to do this or that, 
or ask her what will heal or fix or solve any sized problem.
She still knows just about everything and if by the small chance that she doesn't know something well she's investigating and taking a class about it.
She's all powerful and all knowing.

I'm not even kidding.
Grateful to celebrate with these amazing ladies.
And here are my beauties.

Being a mom is the most un-glamorous job there is out there but it is also what makes me feel the most complete.
These 4 people keep me humble.
These 4 people bring me joy.
They keep me on my knees wondering what they heck am I doing being involved in such an important work in raising them?
The irony is that I feel so inadequate as a mother but I also feel so complete because of my children.
I already am having panic attacks of them growing up and leaving me as they go into the world. 
(I should have had 10 children so they will never leave me.) 

The past 2 years have been especially hard for me as a mother... a single mother I might add.

I have felt helpless as mother and even wondered, "what am I doing anyway?  I know nothing.  I am failing as a mother.  It's too hard.  I don't even know what I'm doing.  And I feel like I'm doing everything wrong."
It is during these times when I have had to call upon the powers of Heaven all the greater and let my Faith remind me that I am doing God's work.  I remind myself that Heavenly Father is a parent too and knows what I am feeling.  In fact, He is the Father to my children too.  He cares about them more than I do.  He's giving them the experiences they need as they journey through life.  He cries over them when I cry.  Ultimately, he will care for them better than I can.
I am partners with Him.
I have to let go.

Being a mother is a Godly calling.
During the muck and crud of daily life it's so hard to remember that, but the older I get and the bigger my challenges get and the older my kids get I am better able to remember that being a mother is a holy calling and I am so honored to be a MOM!

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