Wednesday, July 30, 2014

school awesomeness

Towards the end of the year Kaden received the Reading University Award.  
That means he read over 12 books in a certain period of time.  He's a great reader!
It was a secret to him that he was receiving it so I had to make up a bunch of lies as to why I came to the assembly that day.  

He's my best boy.
He's such a great awesome reader.
I love him so much!

Taking this picture made me sooooo nervous.
Do you see Kaden on the far left?
Do you see that very pale boy standing in front of him to the right?
As this picture was being taken this poor pale little kid was dry-heaving while his mom was saying, "you're ok honey, just smile."
I wanted to konk her in the head and say, "Get your boy home and put him to bed!!  Can't you see that he's going to vomit all over us at any second??"  
Crazy mom was determined that he was going to receive his award no matter what!
 This is Ady and her friend, Raegan all dressed up adorable for their 8th grade ball.
They ate a 6 course meal and ballroom danced until 10:00 that night.  They had TONS of fun but wouldn't allow me to come take pictures of them.
Emmy gave a report on Marie Curie at school.  
This is her practicing her presentation in front of the whole entire family.  She is so expressive that we were all on the edge of our seats listening.
I LOVED going to the Memorial Day assembly the school put on.  Each of the kids did a song or poem or something to express their appreciation to the fallen soldiers of our country.
Kaden is in the middle somewhere there.

Emmy with the big red flower.

 Ady was too far away from me in the corner that I didn't get a picture from her.

But, just gotta say again that I love our school.

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