Sunday, June 1, 2014

My New Big Thing

Several months ago I followed the footsteps of the rest of my family in aligning myself with an awesome company.
Due to life I'm going at my own speed, which is sort of slow motion right now.
And that's ok.
But, as a single parent I don't want to be dependent on anyone but want to be able to continue to stay home to take care of my precious offspring.
I absolutely am so thankful that I am able to stay home with my kids to help life be "normal" and constant for them.
Divorce is a nasty word and it is the toughest on the kids.  I do realize that the majority of the divorced women out there have to immediately jump into working which also takes them  physically, emotionally and mentally away from their children.
I am so blessed and I realize that.
I am thankful everyday for that blessing.
Anyway, I do want to be smart and be a planner and preparer for the future and what may lie ahead.  Which is why I have chosen to join up with the awesome company, Strongbrook in a place where I can make money and invest my money all while developing leadership skills and associating with amazing mentors.
I had my Grand Opening for my personal business in March.
It was at the home of Kris Krohn, the founder and president of the company.
He likes my family and wants to use us to show the world show how this company can bless families everywhere.  We are all on different levels of our path with this company but the biggest blessing is that it has given us a unified purpose in growth and development and we all want to see each other be successful in the business and life.  It's been a great blessing to ALL of us in some form or another.  And it's just fun to do it together.
My dad shared some remarks as well as Marty as party of the Grand Opening.

I shared this evening  with some other people as well as my aunt Melanie.

We shared our feelings as to "WHY" Strongbrook.

Then we had the official ribbon cutting ceremony.
There was a dinner served and some Polynesian dancing before the program began.
I was also SO very grateful that some of my most special friends came to support me.
Koni and Ron.
Marcie and brand new baby.
The Smedleys and Olesons.
And not pictured were Jana and Jeff and JoLynn and Todd.
Thanks for coming.
As I chug along in this business I am discovering a lot about myself that I'll get into at a later post.  But, I just wanted to share this exciting day for me.  The beginning of a great chapter of becoming self-reliant, confidant, and free in many more ways than just free.
P.S. If you are interested in any shape or form in knowing more about this company, if you have ever worried about money or hope to have a little cushion some where down the road for missions or vacations or freedom then give me a call.

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