Sunday, January 15, 2012

THANKS giving

I don't know when the last time was that I spent Thanksgiving with my family, in Utah. 
It was SO nice to be with them. 
It was nice to feel the love of my mom and dad and the comfort food that they make.
This was a nice Thanksgiving for me just for that reason alone.
I felt much gratitude for them and all they do for me.
I mean ALL they do for me.

The play of the day was when someone (no one really fessed up to it)
put the pans of rolls on top of each other while they were trying to raise.
They rose so good that they stuck to the pan that was on top of them.
It was funny
except that it was a mess to clean up.

Melanie, Richard and Taylor came to join us for the day.
pig out
and play Fat Dog.

This year we forgot to go around the table to say what we were thankful for.
So, I will do my part now:
I am thankful now, more than anything for family. 
That always seems such a trite thing to say, but shouldn't that be truly and always what is at the top of our list on thanksgiving?
It's been so long since I have lived by my family that I appreciate them more, cause I know what it's like to not have them around.
Also, I am experiencing some things in life where I need them more than ever...
and they aren't disappointing.
Some examples:
Dad drives Maryn to Seminary at 6 am and gives much emotional support.
Mom makes dinner frequently for us, mends pants and assists in a trillion things.
Marty is letting us take over his whole entire house for way longer than expected.
Marc is giving extra hugs and laughs to the kids.  He came over one day just to help me unload the back of the van after a Costco shopping trip.
Merrill gives the kids support at school and helps drive them to and from many days. He also set up the printer and likes to play Wii with the kids.
McKay and Danielle have been so darn nice to us and lets us watch Cambri whenever we want.
Marianne and James have made dinners for us too and given the kids extra attention and silliness that they need.
Happy Thanksgiving everbiddy!

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