Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Matheson Family Reunion 2011

Our trip to Utah was so relaxing and fun this time.
No hurrying or stressful obligations calling us.
We really used this time to vacation.

My reading to my 2 beebees.
Lots of swimming. 
Grandpa was an awesome slider with the kids at our new favorite Lindon pool.
A few trips down with Kaden.

Cambri... that girl is so yummy, especially in her swim suit.
Her mom is cute too.

A few doing some crazy moves off the diving board.
He needed to hurry and jump in the water.
He was scaring everyone.
We did a week long,
spontaneous campout to Coalville.
Yep, Coalville.
1 hour from home.
It looks like the picnic canopy hasn't been camping in a while and the boys were stumped.

Dad is in his "office"
on the phone
doing business.
The relaxing time together was
worth it!

The nightly visits to the pond to feed the fish.

Coalville happened to have had the county fair the same time we were there.
So fun
So small town.
Have you ever heard of ATV Rodeo races?
Dragging people around the rodeo arena behind ATV's to see who could get the fastest time.
Now, that's a good time.
The animal tent.
We did a little Family History there.

A day in Park City.

We were also there on the exact weekend of the annual campground Flea Market.
Can you believe it?
We had to join in and participate.
So, we went to town and got a bunch of snack and water bottles to sell.
Danielle sold her hair bows.
I'm pretty sure we didn't make hardly anything but what we bought from ourselves
but we had fun.

 A few hours after we got home from camping,
before we even could shower,
we got a surprise visit from Steve and Sara Madsen.
Oh, we love them!!! 
You don't even have to DO anything with them to have a good time.
We went out on the town and got a yogurt and took them grocery shopping.
We had a blast!

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