Saturday, November 12, 2011

Spontaneous swimmin'

 I love the Summer!
No School!
No Homework!
Field Trips!
Sleep in!
We loved to Drop Everything And Play.
We usually went to Pine Lake Park to relax.
This day we brought some friends, Zoe'...
 The one day Kaden was without J.P.

 One day while we were there we called our friends and invited them to come have a spontaneous picnic with us.  In order to protect the fanny of this little girl, they will remain nameless...  but, she was my best buddy in the Nursery.  (She always said, I want to go to Marcia's house to play.  And sometimes we let her.)   Here at the lake she liked to pull up her dress and say with her lispy, high-pitched words, "I like to get my bum wet."

Did we mention yet that we live in a beautiful place?  

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