Sunday, July 31, 2011


The Debenhams and us went on a super hike Saturday, July 2nd. 
It was beautiful.
It was hot.
It was FUN!
It was called Wallace Falls about 1 hour from our home. 
As we drove to it we were reminded what a beautiful place we live in.  We also forget how we live on the edge of the city and the super rural part of Washington. 
Farms, fruit stands, rivers, forests, fields, open land , green and rolly hills.

We brought a picnic and made a day of it.

Kaden wanted to make sure he looked GOOD for the hike.
The group
we were dog sitting a white lab, Ginger and brought her along.
(just in case you were wondering why Jeff is holding the leash of a dog.)
There were 2 different Falls as part of this hike. 
We took a bunch of shots along the way up.

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