Friday, April 15, 2011

April Fool's

I think I have to think of some new tricks for April Fools Day.

The kids automatically guessed that I would be having something weird for breakfast since that has been my trick for the last 2 years.

And they were right! They came down the stairs at 6:30 am. and saw our breakfast layed out. We were having HOT DOGS and french fries.

Oh boy!

Kaden and Daddy were the most happy. Kaden said it was the bestest breakfast he's ever had. Ady especially loved her surprise in her lunch at school. Cold cereal.

Jeff loved it when I gave him his instructions for that Friday night. He had to drive 45 minutes out to Auburn to take Maryn to a dance; take Kaden to t-ball, Ady to gymnastics; take a casserole to the church for our feed-the-homeless assignment; and sorry but he'd have to pick up the house because I was babysitting all day and toys were everywhere and Maryn and I were going to see a show downtown. I should have known better how annoyed that would make him especially on a Friday night. But, after I said, "April Fools!" he couldn't have been happier that really he had nothing to do.

It wasn't a joke that Maryn and I went to see a show...

Billy Elliot

It was SO good. I think Maryn is realizing that she LOVES musicals and doesn't want to miss out on anymore that come into town. We had a great date together that April Fools night.

1 comment:

Aunt Sandy said...

What a fun day....I love that you keep Jeff guessing Marsh!! Fun Fun