Monday, March 1, 2010

Randy and Mindy in 1 Weekend

I could write up an entire blog post about our quirky, but wonderful piano teacher.
Randy Jackson. Not to be confused with the country singer or with the American Idol judge. Which is why we address our very large monthly check, close to the amount of our mortgage to Randall Jackson.
He loves Mormons and Asians because we all are hard workers.
He also says that he attracts the best looking pianists in the whole Pacific Northwest. According to him he only has 1 ugly student. He has a photographic memory which makes him incredibly smart and a bit nerdy knowing dates and facts that not many people would care about.
He is a big believer of sharing all good things about yourself because as he says,
"if it's true, it's not bragging."
Yes, he is an amazing pianist and teacher. He pushes kids hard and Maryn and Adyson have improved so much in the past 2 years under his tutelage.
Anyway, they had a piano recital in February and I figured that since Mr. Jackson is nearly part of the family we'd better get a picture of him. It's not the best of him and Ady even says that he looks scary here. But, even though the girls don't laugh at all his jokes, I think he's funny. I also love him a lot because he sincerely loves MY girls. He spends 1/2 the lesson praising them and complementing them and giving them constructive criticism. He loves what he does and you can't put a price tag on that.
Attending the recital with us was my cousin, Mindy who came to visit for the weekend. This was the first time, as adults that we have had some good one on one time together. It was a lovely time. We had some good talks and reminiscing. It cracked me up to see how my kids were mesmerized her. She was the best story teller and had a bazillion of them to share, all crazy and all true. She played hide-and-go seek with them and they could never find her. They thought she was entertaining and can't wait to see her when we visit Utah again. Thanks for the visit, Mindy!

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