One of the projects Jeff has had to keep him busy and in an effort to keep Kaden in our backyard more.
So the bottom line is Jeff no longer has a job. As of around June 1st he was done and has been a stay-at-home dad ever since. (I hate those terms, "stay-at-home" mom/dad. What does that mean anyway? We might not earn money for the work that we do but in a sense we all are stay-at-home parents. Anyway, just a personal annoying politically correct term that would have never been used in Laura Ingalls time. She would have said, "you're a what?")
ANYWAY... Jeff not having a job is a good thing for those of you who are having a panic attack on our behalf. Breath. He is happy. It's a relief. He is out of his stressful, toxic box. His bosses Eli and Rebecca who I call Lehi and Sariah (but for real are the farthest thing from any righteous Book of Mormon character, but they're Jewish so I guess they're similar in that way) they were not allowing Jeff to do the work he was hired to do and it slowly became a bad/sad place for Jeff to be. He is home now. I was a bit worried because usually Jeff is very ready to go back to work come Sunday night. He enjoys work. He needs to be needed and kept busy. He likes to be in charge. But the best news of it all is that after the 1st weird day of having him home and having him pace around nervously wondering what to do with himself, he has now jumped right in with both feet and embraced this time. He and Kaden are the "dynamo duo." They go on walks, to the park and do lots of projects together. They've been working in the yard and most importantly Jeff is able to just relax in his lawn-chair and watch Kaden play. Finally Kaden is being 100% monitored. Jeff is thrilled to be the one to do it. It's been so nice to have another adult around the house. I've been freed up to do errands ALONE or just stay a little more on top of the laundry etc. I've already told Jeff that I could really get used to having a 2nd adult around to be my "helper" and maybe when he does go back to work I might need to hire a nanny to take his place because I'll have learned to function so nicely with one. Yesterday he volunteered at Adyson's class party. He went there and the teacher looked at him with his shorts, facial hair, sunglasses and baseball hat and asked him who he was. When he said that he was Ady's dad she was so embarrassed. Jeff came back before it started to get a folding table and some other things. He was so proud as he was gathering things saying, "I am a room mom." He also went on a fun field trip with Adyson's class a few weeks ago to Alki beach. They went wading through the tide pools there. It's been so great for him to branch out and really get involved with his children. He's been very happy and the kids have been enjoying having him around too.
Do you like Kaden's outfit? Jammie top and undies... it's the latest craze in these parts.
Emmy and her friends having their version of a lemonade stand. Do ya think we need to work on her money-making skills?
We're not sure what the next step is for Jeff job-wise but we do know that we are going to be having THE BEST summer ever. We've never had a FULL family vacation longer than a week with Jeff. Either he has had to come late or leave early. So, we are going on a 1 month long vacation... we're doing the ultimate travel across America. We'll be flying out to New York this Thursday, June 18th (at 6:45 am no less) and we'll stay with Jeff's family in Buffalo and Rochester for a week. We'll then drive to NYC, and then Washington DC. In DC we'll pick up an RV from a family who lives here and drive the RV home for them to WA by way of Gettysburg, PA; Kirkland,OH; Sandusky, OH; Shipshewana, IN; Chicago, IL; Nauvoo, IL; Hannibal, MO; St. Louis, MO; Independence, MO; Omaha, NE; Scottsbluff, NE; Rapid City, SD, Cody, WY and end up at Yellowstone National Park. The only problem is we wish we had a week longer with Jeff's family and we wish we had a week longer to travel the country. Because of needing to get the RV back we have a time crunch and will only be able to have it for 3 weeks... but we'll be gone for 1 month total, maybe we'll be ready for our own beds by that time anyway. BUT, we are jittery with excitement. We can't wait to be together as a family and make great memories. If you don't see any new blogs from us until the middle of July let me assure you that we are fine. We'll have some great stories to share that will fill up many blog posts. Hopefully you'll be seeing some world class photography from us that will make you feel like you were along for the ride. Sit tight and brace yourself for our return.
After our trip Jeff will dive into finding a new job a little more seriously. But, in the mean time we are going to milk this opportunity for all it's worth and look at it as a blessing.
Jeff's first day home the kids were enjoying eating breakfast with him and talking about what his next job should be. They came up with many good ideas. Here they are plus some other family members:
Emmy--He should be an ice cream man. All the kids would love him and our family would get ice cream for FREE. or have a lemonade stand... sell 2 cups for 5 dollars.
Adyson-- An exercise trainer. He will go to people's houses and ask them if they want to go on a long walk with him. He gives them snacks and helps them do sit-ups and push-ups. He charges $20.00 a day.
Maryn-- A construction worker who builds houses... because he looks like a construction worker.
Marcia--Own a car wash. It has good hours and it's closed when it's raining... so around here that would be a lot.
Jeff-- a landscaper.
Marianne (sister-in-law)-- A Little Caesar's dance/sign holder. He'll lose weight, dance everyday AND earn money all at the same time.
Lorey (sister)--A Walmart greeter.
I think anyone of those ideas are great. They all would free him up to be home more and they would get him out in the community while still using his many skills.
Stay tuned in to our blog so you can keep up with our wild life and fun summer!!!
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