Sunday, May 24, 2009

More of This, That and the Other

Last Saturday we went to the National Junior Gymnastic Championship. The tickets we had were good for the whole weekend but we went on Saturday and planned to spend the evening there. We drove over an hour to get there... to Puyallup... (say it Piu-all-up), but after 30 minutes everyone was ready to go home. The gymnasts were awesome. The Olympians are chosen from this group even... but it was our rear-ends that had had enough. The few bleachers they had set up for this enormous event were filled with what appeared to be the families of the gymnasts. We ended up sitting on the concrete floor in the front. Ouchie to our little highnies. From our vantage point we could only see the balance beam and the floor routines which were superb and amazing, but there was the vault and bars that we couldn't see. Anyway, it was great to say that we were there but surely not worth our money for the little amount of time we spent there. Ady got a souvenir in honor of her gymnastic talents...
Peace, Love, Gymnastics everybody.

Kaden and I enjoying the delicious weather we've been having lately.
Emmy had a kindergarten program this week. It was entertaining and cute.
Emmy popped out her very first tooth today. She wrote a long letter to the tooth fairy and then stuck her tooth in a little Rubbermaid container. Just a bit bulky to put under her pillow I'd have to say.
And Emmy funny: So, tonight as we were kneeling for family prayer Emmy said, "Dad, you are in your 40's. That means your not going to be around much longer." I giggled through the prayer while Jeff just shook his head feeling depressed and old.

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