Thursday, October 2, 2008

thought provoking questions?

Emmy has been asking some really big "thinker" questions that has me stumped. She began asking questions as we were driving in the car like ,"how did how did a man put that big tree right there?" or "how did all of this sand get to be at the beach? or how did all that water get in the river?" We had some discussions about Heavenly Father creating the Earth and creating everything on it. So then her questions took a bit of a turn... "how did Heavenly Father make car seats? Where did He get all of the parts?" "How did Heavenly Father put the lead inside pencils?" Sometimes her questions are a little much for my tired brain and I have to answer, "just because honey." Ady joined in on the asking question game with some thought provoking questions of her own of which I have no answer to... "who decided to name that a chair?" "Why is this called an elbow?" Who was the person that said, 'let's call this a cantaloupe?" "Who made up the word 'sneeze?'"

Even though my brain is pretty much spent I have come up with some of my own questions. Who gets to name the hurricanes? Can I sign up to be a namer? Whenever a hurricane is in the forecast I am always sad for the damage and stuff, but I always get a little chuckle out of the names and the meteorologists talking about a storm like it is a person with real behavior problems. I actually did some research and found that the World Meteorological Organization has a rotation of 6 lists of names that are rotated every 6 years. The names are supposed to be short and easily identifiable. Of course the names are in ABC, except Q, U and Z in order to better keep track of how many hurricanes we have. Up until 1978 the names were all female. I take offense to that. After a deadly or costly storm the name is retired I suppose much like a great sports player's number is retired. Curious about some of the more difficult letters I looked up X, Y and Z.... Xavier, Xina, Yolanda, York, Zeke and Zelda are rotated every other year on the lists. I wonder if they have ever even been used... probably.

My last question... one that I haven't taken the time to investigate is this... What are people called from their states? I know the easy ones like Californians, Utahns, New Yorkers; but what about people from Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware or Vermont? I have no idea...
Mainers? Mainans? Massachusites? Connecticutonians? Delwarens? Vermonti? Arkansasans? Some sure are impossible and some are plain silly?

1 comment:

The Cragun Family said...

All those questions are making my brain hurt! Just say "let's go shopping". It always worked for me!