Friday, September 12, 2008

Yikes, the first day of school

The first day of school came on September 3rd and hit us hard. I personally wasn't looking forward to school starting because I knew what that meant...homework, waking up early, making lunches, projects, going to bed early and doing everything in between to keep the family schedule flowing smoothly. Like it or not the first day of school came... Kaden was wanting to be a part of the picture-taking tradition thinking he was going to school too. He was the first to be photographed since he was the first one ready. He is getting so big and so darn cute!!!
Adyson is in the third grade with Mrs. Trull as her teacher. She was excited especially because her teacher has a pink reading booth in her class and she was starting out sitting by her friend, Georgia. (We always laugh at her being friends with Georgia because one of her best friends in Redding was Virginia.)
Does it look like they're ready for school? Ady's missing a shoe and Maryn doesn't even have her shoes but we just had to get our token picture taken on the first day of school. Maryn going to middle school as a 6th grader was scary for me...her only fear was not being able to open her locker in between classes...I'm afraid of the homework load for my little Maryn who thinks that school was invented to make friends.

Emmy's situation is a bit weird...this day was her first day of Redgate Farm preschool. She is the 1st on the wait list to get into full day kindergarten so currently she is in 1/2 day kindergarten in the afternoons with no school on Wednesdays. (It gets more confusing.) So, 2 days a week she is going to an awesome school that is on a farm taking care of animals and a garden and lots of hands on learning. She is super excited about both schools...I am too but I am having "4 school anxiety" and scheduling stress.
This is Emmy on her first day of Kindergarten. She has Mrs. Osotio. She is lucky to have had 2 "first days of kindergarten" in 2007 and one in 2008. She was in full-day Mandarin immersion kindergarten at Redding School of the Arts for 3 months. The Washington age deadline is later than California's so we chose to keep Emmy back after we moved here, thus giving her 2 first days of every way she is MORE than READY to start school.
Marc and I went on a scrumptious walk. We took a picture of the day because it was 75 degrees and sunny. I want to be able to remember this in a couple of months when the weather turns sour and we forget what the sun looks like. At the end of our street in our neighborhood there is a walking path called "Soaring Eagle Park." I have wanted to try it for a while but never dared venture alone because of the sign at the entrance... what would you do? This sign had all the directions of what to do if you encountered a bear or a cougar. Oh my scary! Marc and I and Kaden (in a stroller) walked in for about 20 minutes and then back out for a pretty hefty hike. The whole time we kept our eyes scanning the woods and listening for strange sounds and trying to decipher all the animal footprints we saw. Saying that I was uneasy was a bit of an understatement, but I tried to act brave and keep a LOUD conversation going with some occasional whistling. We lived to tell about it...right here in our own neighborhood.
Happy first day of school 2008...hold on for your life...keep your arms and legs inside the ride until the ride comes to a complete stop which won't be stopping until next June.


The Cragun Family said...

Was Sept 12 the first day of school? If so, that is late! Your girls look so cute and Kaden is Jeff Jr! Why can't we be neighbors? We miss you!

jessica said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. I am jealous Emmy gets to go to school on a farm. Scott and I would love to have a program around here like that for Sidney and Henry. They would love it. I hope all the girls have a great year. Good luck with keeping all the schedules straight and enjoy having Kaden all to yourself. It won't be long before he is off to school too.
Love from Tonawanda!