Sunday, September 21, 2008

Caught ya!

I am posting the following pictures as small as I can. Jeff will be pretty mad when he sees that I really did post them on our blog. He wasn't happy when he saw that I took them and what I allowed. We have a trillion dress-up costumes and pretty much all the Disney Princess dresses. Especially when the girls have friends over the dresses come out and worn. This day Kaden was wanting so badly to put a dress on with all the other girls, so I helped him put it on and become a lovely Snow White. You could tell he felt a big awkward in it and actually didn't keep it on very long, but what little boy isn't caught wearing a dress at some time in his life?

In my family, "What About Bob?" is a classic, a's highly quoted. Bob is one of our favorite people...he feels like a friend. Since Jeff and I have been married I have bought the DVD and find myself quoting, when appropriate from the movie. Jeff however, is very much anti-Bob. He can't stand the guy. He finds him so annoying. Between you and me I think it's because Jeff is more like Dr. Leo Marvin. Since I rarely get to watch the show with someone else Marc and I had to watch it before he left. It was great to have someone to laugh with. During a potty break we were both up off the couch at the same time and when we both came back look who was sitting watching "What About Bob?"

He says it was because kaden was sitting there and they both wanted popcorn, but I say it's because secretly Jeff likes the show. We had to capture this picture of Jeff and Bob together because it might never happen again.

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